About Regen Melbourne

Background and purpose

Regen Melbourne is an engine for ambitious collaboration, in service to Greater Melbourne. It is the host of bold projects for a regenerative city, one which supports a thriving future for people and planet.

Regen Melbourne’s work is founded on a deep understanding that systemic problems need systemic solutions. These solutions require coherent action by coalitions of unusual actors, from business, non-profit, government, universities and the general public. As such, Regen Melbourne is powered by an alliance of more than 180 cross-sector organisations who support, amplify and ground collective work. 

Each of Regen Melbourne’s projects is underpinned by various forms of local knowledge and expertise; this includes guidance from a Research Council comprised of members from six Melbourne-based universities.

To find out more, visit: https://www.regen.melbourne/

A group of people next to a sign saying ‘Regenerative Melbourne 2030’ holding small plants